Hi Friends,
I know you were missing me for not being here for so many days…but you see I was so busy ever since my birthday on 2nd November.
By the way, here is a snap from my birthday party.

Now you may ask where I was busy all these days.
Well, first I was preparing for the International Informatics Olympiad, where I ranked 169 among all the participants from Class 1 around the world. I scored 95% marks, and have cleared for the 2nd round.

Then, I was busy practicing for my solo dance performance that will be held on 8th January 2012. I’ll be performing a Ghoomar dance in front of a large audience so I’ve been practicing really hard for that.
Then, most importantly, I’ve been very busy taking care of my baby brother Chaitanya, who completed 7 months today.
Chatty, as I call him, is now a grown up boy…as you can see here…

And then, it was my Papa’s birthday on 7th December which we celebrated by cutting this cake…

Finally, I was part of the Christmas celebration in my school, so I had to practice for that as well…

Anyways, today is the last day of 2011, which has been such a wonderful year for me.
First, I got the best gift of my life in the form of Chaitanya, and then just 2 days back, my Priyanka mausi gave birth to a sweet little baby girl.
So now I’ve become Didi to 2 most wonderful babies in this world. So much responsibility on my small shoulders you see!
As for the New Year 2012, I’ve promised Papa-Mummy that I’ll become a better girl – study hard, dance hard, eat healthy, sleep early, wake up early, and live well.
To you, I promise to be more regular here.
Wishing you a very happy New Year 2012 from myself, Chatty, Mummy, and Papa!

Take care. Enjoy your New Year party!
See you in 2012.
I love you.
Little baby,
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