Hi Friends,
First of all Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you all! Hope Ganesha showers His blessings and love on you, your friends, your family and everyone else you know.
It has been fun past few days.
Our society has organized a 4-day Ganesh puja, and there have been several events that I’ve enjoyed a lot.
Like on Thursday, I sang a bhajan and everyone clapped. Papa said that I won’t be able to sing without practice, but I told him, “Papa, I can sing it well. You just see.”
He agreed, and I really sang well…going by the applause I received from the audience, and from Papa.
Then today, I had my second on-stage dance performance (the first one was last year). It was a dance festival at the Hare Rama Hare Krishna temple out here, and I danced to the music of ‘Yashomati Maiya’.
Here I am just before the dance…

Here is the video of my dance that Papa had clicked. Sadly, Mumma was not able to see my live performance as she was home with Chaitanya.
In this video, for those of you who can’t recognize me, I am the one in the centre with the red dupatta. And anyways you can recognize me as Papa kept the camera’s focus on me.
Enjoy this video and send me your feedback on my performance. By the way, my entire make up has been done by my Mumma, and that’s why I’m looking so nice in this video.
Here is the photo that was clicked after my dance performance. This is my dance teacher’s group. I am sitting in the front row, third from right.

By the way, after this stage performance, I had to rush for a dance competition in my society.
I reached the stage by 9.30 pm, finished my performance by 9.33 pm, and was awarded the 2nd prize by 9.35 pm. 🙂
Here I am, dancing on the stage for the second time today…

So it was a great day today!
Talking about my little baby Chaitanya, he completed 3 months last Wednesday.
He is now of 3.5 kg, and has started resembling like me, though he sometimes also resembles like Papa and sometimes like Mumma.
I have clicked some photos of him, and here are two that I like the best…

Look at the expression on Chaitanya’s face. He really enjoys getting his photos clicked!
Anyways, one bad news – after many-many-many holidays over the past 2-3 weeks, now my school will be open for a long time without any long holiday.
Rest is all fine. You say, how’s life treating you?
Take care. I love you!
Little baby,
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